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Comparison of Diet-induced Atherosclerosis in APOE and LDLR Mice

Views : 1510
Author : Jhon Hill
Update time : 2021-05-28 08:40:00

The diet used in this experiment was D12079b, a classic western diet with 0.15% cholesterol. In the range of western diet, D12079b has the lowest cholesterol content and takes the longest time to induce atherosclerosis, about 16 weeks.

The cholesterol content of D12108c and D12109C was the same (1.25%), but the latter added sodium cholate. The induction time of D12108c was about 12 weeks and that of D12109C was about 8 weeks.

Although sodium cholate can be added to accelerate the development of atherosclerosis in mice, it usually aggravates the inflammation of arterial intima.

Phenotype APOE KO mouse LDLR KO mouse
Hypercholesterolemia  ~400mg/dl;More than five times of the control group ~200-275mg/dl; More than double of the control group
VLDL Substantial increase Moderate increase
IDL/LDL Moderate increase Substantial increase
HDL Reduction Moderate increase
Spontaneous plaque
3-months-old:Lipid streaks appeared in the proximal aorta

8-months-old:Plaque appeared in the aortic

Diet induced plaque Large plaque appeared after 14 weeks of feeding with high cholesterol diet Moderate plaque appeared after 14 weeks of feeding with high cholesterol diet
Spontaneous mutations At 6-months-old None
Diet induced mutations It is in direct proportion to the cholesterol intake Lipid streaks appeared in the aorta
Others Abnormal spatial learning ability Metabolic disorder syndrome appeared after feeding with high cholesterol diet
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